When is the best time to visit Galapagos?

Located in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands are a natural wonderland renowned for their extraordinary biodiversity and unique wildlife. Planning a trip to this iconic destination requires careful consideration of the best time to visit. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the Galapagos Islands’ dry season, warm season, and delve into the fascinating world of its wild inhabitants, including iguanas, sea lions, turtles, and the thrilling snorkeling activities that await you.

when is the best time to visit galapagos

Understanding the Dry Season: June to December

The dry season in the Galapagos Islands spans from June to December, offering visitors an exceptional experience. During this period, the weather tends to be cooler, creating comfortable conditions for exploration and outdoor activities. Average temperatures range from 70°F (21°C) to 80°F (27°C), providing a pleasant climate for your adventures.

One of the highlights of the dry season is the abundant wildlife that you can witness on the islands. Marine iguanas, one of the iconic species of the Galapagos, can be found in large numbers basking in the sun, presenting a unique sight for visitors. These remarkable creatures have evolved to swim in the ocean, making them excellent divers as they forage for their favorite algae.

Another charismatic species you’ll encounter during the dry season is the playful sea lions. These sociable creatures can be observed sunbathing on the beaches or frolicking in the water, inviting you to share their joyful world. With their playful antics and graceful movements, sea lions provide endless entertainment and wonderful photo opportunities.

The dry season also offers a chance to witness the nesting and hatching of sea turtles. From the leatherback to the green turtle, these ancient reptiles choose the islands’ sandy shores to lay their eggs, creating an awe-inspiring spectacle. Observing the emergence of baby turtles as they make their way towards the ocean is a truly unforgettable experience.

Snorkeling enthusiasts will be thrilled to know that the dry season provides excellent conditions for underwater exploration. Crystal-clear waters, teeming with marine life, beckon you to dive in and discover the wonders beneath the surface. As you plunge into the depths, you’ll encounter graceful sea turtles gracefully gliding through the water, creating a magical and serene ambiance.

Embracing the Warm Season: January to May

If you prefer warmer temperatures and want to witness the Galapagos Islands in their full splendor, the warm season from January to May is the perfect time to visit. During this period, temperatures range from 75°F (24°C) to 85°F (29°C), creating a tropical paradise for visitors.

The warm season brings with it a burst of life and activity throughout the archipelago. It is during these months that the islands truly come alive with an abundance of wildlife, offering a sensory feast for nature enthusiasts. From vibrant bird species to captivating marine creatures, the warm season promises extraordinary encounters.

As you explore the islands, you’ll come face to face with the famous land iguanas. These prehistoric-looking reptiles, often found in shades of yellow, red, or brown, can be observed sunning themselves on volcanic rocks or leisurely strolling through their natural habitat. The Galapagos land iguanas are truly remarkable, showcasing the archipelago’s unique evolutionary history.

Sea lions, already a highlight during the dry season, become even more active and playful during the warm season. They engage in spirited water acrobatics and entertaining social interactions, captivating visitors of all ages. Watching these charismatic creatures in their natural environment is an experience that will leave you with lasting memories.

Snorkeling Activities and Marine Wonders

No trip to the Galapagos Islands would be complete without exploring the incredible marine world that surrounds them. The archipelago’s pristine waters are home to an astonishing array of marine species, making snorkeling a must-do activity for visitors.

Strapping on your snorkel gear and immersing yourself in the clear waters will open up a world of wonders. As you glide through the ocean, you’ll have the opportunity to encounter a variety of marine life up close and personal.

Sea turtles, with their majestic presence and graceful movements, are a common sight while snorkeling in the Galapagos Islands. These gentle creatures glide effortlessly through the water, offering a captivating display of tranquility and elegance.

Colorful fish, ranging from vibrant parrotfish to mesmerizing angelfish, create a kaleidoscope of colors beneath the waves. Their vibrant hues and intricate patterns add a touch of magic to the underwater landscape.

The Galapagos Islands also offer thrilling encounters with playful sea lions. These curious and agile creatures often join snorkelers in the water, swimming alongside them and showcasing their underwater acrobatics. Interacting with these inquisitive animals is an experience that will leave you filled with joy and wonder.

For those seeking a more adventurous snorkeling experience, the Galapagos Islands provide opportunities to swim alongside fascinating marine predators. The islands are home to several species of sharks, including the majestic hammerhead and the sleek Galapagos shark. Snorkeling with these awe-inspiring creatures is an adrenaline-pumping experience that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the ocean’s mysteries.

Choosing the Best Time for Your Galapagos Adventure

Deciding when to visit the Galapagos Islands depends on your preferences and the experiences you hope to have. The dry season, from June to December, offers cooler temperatures and a chance to witness the unique behaviors of wildlife such as marine iguanas, sea lions, and sea turtles. On the other hand, the warm season, from January to May, provides warmer temperatures and an explosion of life, including encounters with land iguanas, vibrant bird species, and thrilling snorkeling opportunities.

It’s worth noting that the Galapagos Islands are a year-round destination, and each season has its own charm. Wildlife enthusiasts may prefer the dry season, while those seeking a more vibrant and active ecosystem might opt for the warm season.

When planning your visit, consider factors such as weather, wildlife migration patterns, and your personal interests. Consult with travel experts or tour operators who specialize in Galapagos trips to ensure you make the most informed decision.


The Galapagos Islands in Ecuador offer a paradise of wild nature and extraordinary wildlife encounters. Whether you choose to visit during the dry season or the warm season, you’ll be treated to a remarkable display of biodiversity and natural wonders.

From observing the unique behaviors of marine iguanas, sea lions, and turtles to exploring the underwater world through thrilling snorkeling activities, the Galapagos Islands provide an unforgettable experience for travelers of all ages.

Plan your trip carefully, taking into account your preferences and the opportunities each season offers. Embark on a journey of discovery, where you’ll witness the magic of the Galapagos Islands and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Start planning your Galapagos adventure today and embark on a voyage of wonder and fascination amidst one of the world’s most extraordinary destinations.

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